Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Thoughts on Mom & Son Soccer

The other night I was out with my my son, Liam, playing soccer while the dog wandered around. We went to a place near our local airport where a military museum houses tanks and other military vehicles. 

While kicking the ball around it dawned on me, with tanks in sight off in the distance, how many Mothers and sons around the world live in fear of tanks and the military and evil regimes. Where a simple game of soccer in the street could be at great risk. 

I'm thankful for this country, for our veterans young and old, and for freedom to live without fear and play a game of soccer. I never want to take it for granted.

Let's pray and remember all those displaced around the world. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year...New Start

The Christmas holidays signify to me something magical...you get to be a kid again & embrace the wonder that it brings. Even with all the busyness it causes me to slow down, ponder & enjoy the important things in life; faith, family & togetherness.

Then the celebration of New Year comes along & it gets me excited that another year of mystery is about to start. Where will this year lead me & my family...what adventures will we journey through together?

Here's what I know from this past year; there's been hardship, there's been dark days here & there and a few failures. But there's been so much joy and peace and triumph, and more blessings than I can recount.

I'm thankful for every challenge and so thankful for all the blessings of 2012. I'm thankful for the chance to begin again...a new year!

I'm thankful the Mayans were wrong... Haha...I can't be all serious...it's just not me!

God bless you and your family... whoever you may be reading my silly little blog. Happy 2013!

Below is one of my favourite passages...Psalms 37:1-9... I hope it speaks to you in some way too!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I know bit of a weird dark topic for the Christmas season, but something I've been pondering.

There's never really a good time for a loved one to pass on, but it seems to me that Christmastime heightens the sadness of the situation.

The media has been filled with tragic images of death these past couple of weeks, from Connecticut to Syria, Israel & Palestine. I attempt to avoid the media hype because I'm a very visual person & I don't like those images in my head.

Death is no respecter of persons. Young or old, sick or healthy. Kind hearted or wicked. The senselessness of children dying and the expected passing of the elderly, difficult on varying degrees, but difficult nonetheless.

News of a longtime family friend passing on has brought the issue of death a little closer to home. It's made me think of my own dear family and how precious they are to me.

What I would say to you this Christmas season is cherish the moments you have with loved ones. Don't get lost in the busyness of this season and forget the true meaning of Christmas & togetherness. Be thankful for the time you have it is surely a blessing.

Remember those who are in mourning and may find it hard to see the joy this season. May they find comfort & peace!

I am thankful for family and friends and the wonderful moments we will spend together over these next few days and weeks.

I am thankful for The One that came to bring life everlasting.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Well I'm Canadian, but I do love the whole idea of American Thanksgiving. In true American style it has that "go big or go home" type attitude about it. I love how it represents time together with family, relaxing, watching football and the Macy's parade. It's about tradition, I like tradition.

Sometimes I feel like as Canadians we are afraid to say we like tradition, it would be very unCanadian of us! Isn't it possible to keep traditions of the past and be accepting of what others observe? Just a side note to what I really want to say.

I really just want to say that I'm grateful for the abundant life I lead. It doesn't always make sense, it isn't perfect all the time, but it's pretty darn good. When you consider what truly brings happiness in life; family, friends a place to retreat from the world, a place to call home with people I love and love me unconditionally in return. Faith to cling to in good times and bad that doesn't depend on me always getting it right (I'm sure I get it wrong more than I do right). I live in a free country where I really want for nothing. How blessed am I? How blessed are we all as North Americans?

On American Thanksgiving this Canadian girl is thankful for every blessing big and small.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

This Little Creature

This little creature who lives under my roof, eats my food, drinks my milk, leaves a trail of mess behind as he goes. Who is he?

Once there was this sweet little baby who cooed and snuggled, and occasionally cried when he was hungry or wet. He took naps & melted my heart with his little smile. I'm not sure where he's gone?

This other little creature can be equally sweet, but also talks back & every so often gets on my very last nerve. He has an opinion about everything, doesn't like being told what to do & sometimes he shouts at me if he doesn't get his own way.

I'm thankful my sweet boy is growing into a little man. Such precious moments watching him learn new words & gain understanding. But still some days I long for those quiet, cuddly times where he depended on me for everything, from comfort to a warm bottle of milk.

It's overwhelming at times, trying so hard to do it all right...not always knowing what "right" is.

Thankful for grace & forgiveness, for not having to do it alone. Thankful that God hears the heart of this Mom & loves me & my sweet boy more than either of us can fathom.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Confessions of a Bad Blogger

Okay so I guess you could say I've been on a bit of a hiatus; truth is it's been a very busy summer & although I should be able to spare a few moments each day to state what I'm thankful for- I started to find it all too much. I know kinda lame when you think of the state of the world.

Here's what I'm going to sum it up as, part laziness, part not wanting to think so much, part being tired, part being a bad blogger. Here's what it's not... me any less thankful for this life I enjoy & the countless blessings I've been given daily- many seen, more than I can imagine unseen.

These are the highlights of what I'm so thankful for this summer...
~Camping with my wee little family, even though one trip included a fire ban.
~Health- we've had a round of whooping cough which wasn't especially fun, but does make we realize how fortunate I am to have good health more often than not.
~Trips to the nursing home to visit my Grama, bittersweet but I'm glad she is safe & pleasantly confused. It's fun to watch her interact with my son, I'm thankful for the moments he brings her so much joy & happiness.
~Selfish one, but I'm glad my son did not have to start school this year, I'm just not ready for that & thankful he was a January baby!
~To my last point I am exceedingly thankful he's finally getting the idea of potty training, though still a ways to go for my sweet, stubborn, smart boy.
~Thankful that a sweet little boy named Benjamin was born & has exceeded doctors expectations...thankful that he was created in God's image & his life is precious... God has a purpose & a plan for this wee one!
~I'm thankful for my job, though it's been a busy summer...sometimes I feel guilty that I actually love what I do...working Mom guilt...love my family...like my job an awful lot.
~I have to say I'm thankful summer is coming to a close...I'm sorry summer lovers, but I've had enough hot days, enough air conditioning...it's time for the fall, my favourite time of year...crisp air & beautiful colours.
~Thankful for adventures just around the corner.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Silly Soccer Guy

Just a quick little thought tonight. It's been a real struggle to get Liam, my 3 year old to play soccer at all with his soccer team. The past few weeks he hasn't wanted to go on the field or really even associate with the other kids.

Well, this proud Momma is happy to say tonight things turned around. My silly little punk all the sudden decided yes indeed he does like soccer & he knows what to do. He was the winner of the "Player of the Game" award.

Now this may not sound too exciting for a "thankful moment" but it really is. I was considering bowing out of soccer the rest of the season because he really didn't seem to like it. I'm glad...thankful we went to soccer tonight & that Liam had fun! The award was just the icing on the cake.